Evolution of Mobile networks | Story of Mobile networks | 0G to 6G | How will 6G work ? | When will 6G come ? | Top speed of 6G | - Big Brar


How will 6g work. In past 10-15 years our communication system got changed this much that now we even talk to each other by chatting. 

Evolution of Communication Networks -

  • 0G - 0G were telephones that were wired and using 0G we were only able to make voice calls without internet. 0G was totally wired.
  • 1G - When 1G came then also we were only able to make voice calls but with wireless phones. Till then we were having no access to internet. 1G phones were totally wireless but they were so heavy to carry in a pocket, so people need to hold them in their hands.
  •  2G - 2G came with major change in communication. 2G was fully wireless. Using 2G people were able to send messages and were also able access the internet. 2G was the first to provide us internet on mobile phones.
  • 3G - 3G was the first who started business on internet and started trend of social media.
  • 4G - 3G was not came properly yet and then 4G came. 4G was cheaper than 3G and it gives 4 percent stronger speed than 3G. So, that is why people shifted in 4G.
  • 5G - 5G gives 100 percent stronger speed then 4G. It has not came properly yet in some countries.
  • 6G - 5G is not completely launched in some countries and the testing of 6G has started 6G can provide us speed upto 1 terabyte per second, that is 100 percent better than 5G. 6G will work on technology that will be able to convert our 6G devices to towers which can be used to increase 6G network and pass it on from one device to another. Basically devices using 6G will become towers and they will be able to increase and generate range for 6G. 

Do we need technology of 6G?

Till now we are working good with 4G also but in future everything and everyone will be dependent on internet. Till now we have no need of such a highly advanced technology but in future we will be probably using it as normal internet. 
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